Mike - Thanks for doing these calculations, this is great work. I see the FCC made some map corrections on 6/8/23. In Kansas, a large wireless provider moved all of their licensed fixed wireless technology code 71 to LBR code 72. It appears you are including code 72 as "served" in your calculations; however, on page 15 of the BEAD NOFO, it describes reliable broadband as "terrestrial fixed wireless technology utilizing entirely licensed spectrum or using a hybrid of licensed and unlicensed spectrum." There is a footnote on this line that says "Broadband Data Collection Fixed Technology Code 71." Is it possible that LBR code 72 will not qualify as served, no matter the speed? Or did I miss something where NTIA clarified code 72 is considered "reliable"?

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This is a good question and topic. My understanding from the conversations I've had is that GAA spectrum in the CBRS band is licensed-by-rule, and therefor licensed, and therefor reliable/counts as broadband for NTIA's definition. I'm not 100% sure of that.

At the time of the BEAD NOFO, and the first version of the FCC map, LBR wireless wasn't included in the files. It only popped up in the 2nd FCC Map. So I'm not sure we can say definitively that the BEAD NOFO answers the question.

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Have y'all discovered a definitive answer to this question, by chance? : D

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