Another way to look at it is that all funding and investment in broadband to date has gone to disproportionately connect democrat majority locations.

This is just a function of the rural/urban divide.

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I don't have the data to prove it one way or the other, but I highly doubt that's the case. There are decades of subsidies that have already gone into rural broadband.

By contrast urban/dem areas present a naturally better business case and require less subsidy to attract investment.

That's what I'd assume anyway...

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Funding and investment by the ISPs has disproportionately been used in urban. That’s where the best ROI is. The purpose of USF and government subsidies is to level up. I think the people that grow our food deserve internet access as much as the urban population regardless of party.

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I obviously agree.

I think I'm getting hung up on the term "funding". I certainly agree that most of the private investment has gone to those areas.

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