What are you basing your assumptions on regarding the amount that private capital is willing to fund? Cartesian's analysis assumes $70 ARPU, 70% take rate, average margins of 90%(!), and 15% ACP participation to decide that ISPs will be willing to contribute $3K/passing. This is wildly optimistic and a key component of any analysis. I'd like to see you elaborate on how you arrived at your numbers.

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The most important job for any home of commercial building project is to ensure the building is correctly laid out. This use to require a plumb bob and range finder equipment. Now its done with GPS but none the less if the building is not laid out correctly its down hill from there! There is NO standardized or third party validated data in the entire Trillion Dollar Broadband Marketplace so your data building exercise is compromised as its garbage in and garbage out! The building runs into structural problems immediately as it has now been incorrectly laid out due to faulty data. Standards are required throughout the building process while none exist in the world of broadband! And we all know who benefits from this don't we! Come on man, self auditing? When in 10k years of recorded history did that prove to be successful. I got a bottle of Snake Oil that will handle any ailment you got.

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